Written by Lori MacFayden, OT
We are helping our clients continue with their studies and eliminating delays in their school work.
In January 2020, my client returned to school on disability student status and was taking 3 courses, instead of the full-time course load of 5.
She was having difficulties with her reduced load and attending classes. She was missing deadlines for assignments, and writing exams.
She was at high risk of not passing most or all of her courses at this time.
During a teleconference on April 6, 2020, I asked the client to log-in online to access upcoming assignments and exams.
She did not realize she had 4-assignments due over the next 1 to 4 days that she was not prepared for. .
She also forgot that the professor previously “opened” access to write a past exam that she missed, and it was again closed to write it.
She was worried about her status and whether she would be able to pass the semester. If she does not pass, then her ongoing access to OSAP for the next semester and eligibility to continue in the program would be at jeopardy.
I assisted the client in identifying a plan to meet the various deadlines for school for the week ahead, which she reported to have helped with her feelings of overwhelm and anxiety.
Without this regular, ongoing OT support, the client would not check her school schedule and would not meet deadlines for school.
During a remote session, I prompted the client to using daily phone reminders and her phone calendar, to prompt her to tidy her room, to complete her exercise, to do her schoolwork, to meditate, and to return emails/phone calls as needed.
During remote sessions, I will continue to offer support around organization, planning and prioritizing responsibilities in her week. We will explore various methods to assist her with her daily routine and responsibilities.